Specialy for INDIAN ARMY GD Written Examination
*Disclaimer:* This app is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Indian Government or any other government entity. This app is for educational purposes and is designed to help users prepare for Indian Army Agniveer GD Exams. It provides mock tests and practice sets based on publicly available exam formats.
All exam-related information in this app is sourced from publicly accessible government websites such as https://joinindianarmy.nic.in/default.aspx
This app is designed for candidates preparing for the Army Agniveer GD
*** CONTENTS ***
Inside this app having too much data related to the INDIAN ARMY GD Written Exam . like Sample quetion paper ,MCQ sets in order to subject , QUIZ sets all subjects ,Documets Required for rally , information about Medical test , Physical test , and also Headquarters list available . you can get too much help with this app for written examination , medical test , physical test .
***Who can use this app ?***
If you are preparing for indian army written examination like soldier general duty (GD) this app can give you more benefits.
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